Thursday, May 07, 2009

Not tonight, I have a headache...

Gia was a high school science teacher and also an avid swing dancer. I swing dance and I love science so the emails were great. There was a show at the Smithsonian's Planetarium, so I invited her to that. We got there a little early and sat on a bench to talk. If you are sitting on a bench, I realize it's constructed to face forward, but wouldn't you position your body towards the other person? Not her. She sat staring straight ahead. Was she people watching? Maybe. (But only if she had x-ray vision because we were facing the closed doors to the planetarium.)

After we got to our seats for the show, she still didn't look at me. (Wow. How hideous am I???)

The lack of eye contact wasn't the amusing part, though. She spent every chance she had complaining about her head and feet hurting from working all day. Yeah, that must suck to be on your feet and have the students giving you a headache. Much harder than the chemo treatment I received 3 days prior that made me constantly queasy, unbelievably tired, and took away most of my short term memory. I had to concentrate just to remember who she was. I'm sure she had a bad headache, but if I wasn't complaining, did she have to?


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