Sunday, May 31, 2009

She was undressing me with her eyes...

MaryAnn and I went to burger night at a local place. A lot of times it's hard to tell what a person really looks like from their photo online. But this girl was like Rachel Ray. (Was she skinny? Was she fat? No one can tell!) Anyhoo...I guess I don't look at all like my photos because even though I introduced myself, so must not have believed me. She spent the entire hour plus scanning the room and looking at everyone there except for me. (There are plenty of explanations for this...she got a tip earlier in the day that she might be assassinated, so she was keeping a careful eye. Or maybe, one of her parents is one of those lizards where the eyeballs move independently of each other.) Whatever the reason for this, it was pretty annoying. Then the bill came and she sat there like a bump on a log (maybe the lizard thing again) and never offered to pay at all. Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a nice guy. I should have excused myself and left her with the bill and the waiter. (After all, she would not have been able to identify me to the waitstaff at all.)


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